Monday, March 28, 2011

Family Structure 1

Why teach your students about Family Structure?
It is important for students to know that all families are different and each is special and unique in its own way. Students need to know how to cherish and celebrate how their family is different. Students can also learn about other families, including their classmates families, if they are taught about diverse family structures. Teachers can use books about family structure to intruduce children to families with one mom, one dad, a mom and a dad, two moms, two dads, no parents, etc. Activities that could be used to accompany any family structure lesson would be a personal narrative writing piece from each student about their family, or a family class quilt, which could be made by having each student decorate a "quilt" piece to portray his or her family.

The Family Book
By Todd Parr
The Family Book, represents a variety of families, some big and some small, some with only one parent and some with two moms or dads, some quiet and some noisy, but all alike in some ways and special no matter what. This book is recommended for ages 4-8.

Additional Resources for Classroom Use:

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